Friday, February 17, 2012

The Greenhouse

I've built several greenhouses over the years - usually hoop house style. Recently I was lucky to salvage one of those light weight car port / storage shed type structures that had been badly damaged last winter by wind and snow. Some of the pieces were so twisted it took a while to figure out how it went together. The following photos show the how I built a small portable greenhouse from the pieces, scrap lumber, and a piece of plastic that purchased at the local hardware store.

I had to do a little grinding, bending, and welding, but its starting to come together.

Doorway and back window framing in.

Corner post attached to skid frame

Roof support

A couple coats of paint to protect the wood from moisture and hoping it will look presentable enough that my family will let me keep it.

Of course the wind picked up when I started to put the plastic on, doing this by myself I had to learn how to let the wind help me.

Finally was able to get the corners attached

All trimmed up

A view of the inside before I cut out the window

Giant screw eyes to move it around with

Testing out the skid frame

Just need to make a door and I'm ready to go. I had the great idea I would put the greenhouse out by the road and sell my seedlings right out of it - but I was over-ruled.

I used it for two seasons until the weather did in the plastic. I cut the remaining plastic off, wrapped it in chicken wire and used it for a turkey tractor for my Bourbon Reds this year. I'm working on a Geo-dome for my next one.